2019 09 04 rated 4 out of 5 by scrag2 from pitched roof connector looks a good bit of kit will do the job well.
Flue flashing slate roof.
Seldek aluminium epdm black roof flashing installs in a flash on tile or slate roofs and won t stain or corrode roofs and gutters.
With its large round flat base two sizes are available with a 365mm diameter to suit the 90 flue system and a 500mm diameter to suit the 200 flue system this aluminium flashing allows for easy weathering to a flat roof.
The flashing fits up into the weathering collar which is sealed to the flue system terminal section making the installation simple.
Made vertical flue termination easy date published.
Aluminium base pipe flashings similar to the traditional aluminium roof plate only with a flexible rubber cone which then need no storm collar.
The epdm cone which is trimmed on site to fit is locked to a high grade and malleable 99 9 pure aluminium base.
Baxi pitched roof flashing for use with a vertical flue terminal compatible with the baxi 200 400 600 and 800 range.